#62 Opportunity Knocks!


Passage – Esther 4 The older ones amongst us will remember the TV talent show Opportunity Knocks that ran for a mere 41 years, ending in 1990. It set the tone for follow up lookalike … Read More

#61 Just Do It!


Passage – James 1:19-27 We’d just spilled out of our socially distanced, mask-wearing, non-singing morning service and one of the youngsters informed me on the pavement outside that “we have two ears and one mouth … Read More

#60 Carry on Camping- for now!


Passage – 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 On the 25th June 2017 I preached on this text for the first time. I knew ‘in theory’ the fact that outwardly we’re wasting away, but in practice, I’d enjoyed … Read More

#58 A Gospel-Focused Church


Passage: Colossians 4:2-6 A 19th Century American Methodist preacher called EM Bounds wrote 11 books, 9 of which were on the subject of prayer. It is no surprise therefore that he is known for this … Read More

#57 A Spiritually-Gifted Church


Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 One of the challenges of coaching a sports team is making sure that each player is in the right position, that suits their skills and physique. Similarly, if you’re running a … Read More

#56 A Prevailing Church


Passage: Acts 2:40-47 With lockdown restrictions loosening, God willing, life will be returning to some normality in the weeks and months ahead. From the 12th April churches will again be able to provide Sunday school … Read More

Thoughts for Busy Parents

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Ideas and Inspiration for ‘Bringing Fatih Home’. Easter Edition. Take a look at our second quartley eNewsletter, written by our family pioneer, Liam Maguire.

#55 What does the Cross achieve?


Passage – Mark 15:33-41 Most organisations, institutions, teams and causes have a symbol or logo that they hope will become recognisable. Everyone knows the four rings of Audi, the multicoloured ‘G’ for Google or the … Read More